Monday, June 4, 2012

And the Journey has begun...24 weeks pregnant alhamdulillah

So, here I am 24 weeks pregnant, and I've decided to start a blog to charter my journey through unexplored waters...aka Motherhood...eek! I'm feeling decidedly scared as the due date sneaks up on me, but also totally blessed and thankful to Allah swt.

We're delighted to announce that we found out we're having a little girl!! MashaAllah :) She is a right little wriggler at this point, giving me plenty of pokes and kicks and she seems to love turning into a space hopper just as I lie down to sleep!

I've been having really vivid dreams recently, but last night's was the most vivid of all, I dreamt of her being born prematurely, and of myself breastfeeding her, it was a totally surreal experience!  She was such a little beauty I just wanted to watch her as she slept. May Allah swt bless her.

I am really excited but today I began to think seriously upon what it means to have the responsibility of raising a girl in Islam and the differences between that and having a boy. From the hijab to husbands, I realize a whole unique set of challenges face the mother of a girl. I hope inshaAllah I will be able to tackle these successfully. I finally kind of understand the mother of Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice! Being concerned with your girl's reputation, education and future marriageable prospects hahaha, ok yes, I'm waaay over-thinking this right now, she's not even here yet!

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