Monday, June 11, 2012

What would I do without you...

At 25 weeks I'm feeling very tired cos I haven't slept too good the last week and have travelled to and from Germany.

My heels seem to be killing me with the weight of Bump which is quite big I think compared to a lot of women. People at work keep saying 'You must be about to pop!', I'm like 'No another 3 months or so to go' and feel bad when they go bright red.

Hubby has been an absolute angel, giving footrubs and setting up the footspa for me, making dinners, doing all the cleaning and laundry,  graciously giving up the duvet when I pull it off and putting up with my pregnant snoring as well as dishing out millions of hugs and compliments...

I actually look at him sometimes and wonder what I did to deserve him, and all I can say is alhamdulillah, and hope that Allah swt has not given me all my reward in this life, in the form of my darling hubby, mashaAllah.

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